Filthpaper is subject to change, we are open to suggestions about more utilities and we will do our best to work on everything, in case we fuck up anywhere, we want the community's support to make it right.
Read the entire Filthpaper again.
We will begin JUNCTURE-02 three months after the mint/depending on the progress of the project.
We could have written the entire thing in a technical language but we felt this would be more fun and an easy read.
Thanks for reading.
Sayonara, fuckers.
Disclaimer: Filth Labs will not be held responsible for the loss of funds if their Solana Wallet is compromised or if they cannot execute the given roadmap. No refunds will be applicable after minting. If you mint we will automatically assume you agree to these conditions. This is purely a social experiment and there is a possibility of failure. Crypto and NFT markets are highly volatile, always Do Your Own Research before minting. Thank you.
Last updated